Archive for 2008

Commercializing biotechnology in China

I recently had the opportunity to conduct a brief interview with Mireille Gingras, Ph.D. President and CEO of HUYA Bioscience on doing business with and in China: Tell me about HUYA and what makes the company unique? HUYA Bioscience International has pioneered the most innovative and productive approach for pharmaceutical co-development between the U.S. and […]

Contract research helps keep drug pipeline flowing

Guest content from Turner Investment Partners‘ Heather Flick McMeekin, Frank Sustersic, Vijay Shankaran, and Theresa Hoang: Contract research helps keep drug pipeline flowing Imagine a new-product development process that typically lasts 10 to 15 years, has only a one in 5,000 chance of succeeding, and costs at least $800 million. That’s the daunting reality that […]
