50% off DrugPatentWatch reports for a limited time

I am running a special discount at DrugPatentWatch through the end of June:

50% off all reports through June 30 2012.

These pharmaceutical industry reports are produced by data-mining the DrugPatentWatch Database, and provide detailed information on FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs.

Please contact me with any special data needs beyond the existing report catalog.

Global Drug Patent Inventor Report
The Global Drug Patent Inventor Reportprofiles the individuals, countries, and US states leading pharmaceutical innovation.
$5,000 $2,500



Individual Country Drug Patent Inventor Reports
These Individual Country Drug Patent Inventor Reportsprofile the individuals leading pharmaceutical innovation in 20 countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.
$195 – $795 $97.50 – $397.50

 Drug Patent Challenge Report

Profiles the companies that successfully challenged pharmaceutical drug patents since 2000.

  • Companies with the most successful patent challenges
  • The drugs for which each firm successfully challenged a patent
  • The companies that have received FDA approval for each listed drug
    Report Highlights:

  • More than 60 companies profiled
  • More than 80 drugs profiled

$800 $400

 Orphan Drug Report

Profiles pharmaceutical drugs with FDA Orphan Drug Exclusivity since 2000.

  • The tradename, applicant, ingredient, and Orphan exclusivity expiration dates for each Orphan Drug
  • Details on each NDA and product number, including Dosage, Strength, Approval Date, Therapeutic Equivalence (TE) code, Reference Listed Drug (RLD) indicator
  • All FDA-listed patents covering each Orphan Drug

Report highlights:

  • More than 400 pages
  • More than 90 drugs profiled

$500 $250

See all the reports at the DrugPatentWatch Reports page.


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