Journal of Commercial Biotechnology seeks Associate Editors

The Journal oJournal of Commercial Biotechnologyf Commercial Biotechnology seeks applications for two volunteer Associate Editors. Posts are for renewable 1-2 year terms, with the potential to advance to Managing Editor.

Duties include soliciting submissions, working with authors to improve promising manuscripts, managing blinded peer-review, communicating with authors and reviewers, submitting editorials, and assisting the Chief Editor as required.

The ideal candidates will have an academic post and complement the Chief Editor by having a research focus in one of the following areas:

  • Management
  • Policy
  • Finance
  • Law
  • Regulation
  • Bioethics

Other desirable characteristics include:

  • Ability to solicit papers in geographic regions and commercial biotechnology topic areas which are currently under-represented in the JCB
  • Previous editorial/referee experience
  • Ability to meet deadlines and handle correspondence professionally
  • A record of publications in competitive and refereed journals

Application Instructions

Applications should be emailed to Chief Editor Yali Friedman at [email protected] no later than March 31st 2012 and should consist of:

  1. A cv
  2. A statement of purpose indicating both why you would like to become an Associate Editor, and later advance to Managing Editor, and your qualifications
  3. Copies of recent publications

About the JCB:

The Journal of Commercial Biotechnology is the definitive international quarterly publication for bioscience business professionals. Founded as the Journal of Biotechnology in Healthcare in 1994, the JCB has been published since 1998. The Journal is designed specifically for those professionals who need to enhance their knowledge of biotechnology business strategy and management, improve and advance their product development or want to keep up-to-date with the current issues and industry trends. Sample papers are available at .

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