Journal of Commercial Biotechnology: Unmissable Management Articles

Journal of Commercial BiotechnologyI have selected these management-themed articles from the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, exploring the practical aspects of product innovation, R&D, patent law and marketing. The collection is divided into distinct sections: Commentary; Policy; Commercial Strategy; Valuation/Licensing; Funding; Intellectual Property; International; and Case Studies.

These articles are only fully readable for a limited period of time, so please feel free to read, download and forward them on to your colleagues while they are still available.

You can view the full collection on the Journal’s website: alternatively, the articles included in this collection are listed below:


Building biotechnology by design: Role of biotechnology in development
Patrick Nef

Why data exclusivity is the new patent protection
Peter J Pitts

The UK Government’s strategic approach to the biotechnology industry
Lord Sainsbury


Public–private partnerships in trust-based public health social networking: Connecting organizations for regional disease surveillance (CORDS)
Louise S Greshama, Leslie A Pray, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Beverly Trayner

Building biotechnology in Okinawa
Yali Friedman

Startup America: What it includes and opportunities for innovators
David B Orange

Commercial Strategy

Revitalizing portfolio decision-making at Merck Serono S.A.
Vincent Aurentz, Bernhard Kirschbaum and Markus Thunecke

Rethinking commercial strategy – A patient-centered commercial model
Sanjay K Rao

Building biotechnology teams: Personality does matter
Anne S York, Kim A McCarthy and Todd C Darnold


Practical approaches to early stage life sciences technology valuations
Stephen Mayhew

Pharmaceutical royalties in licensing deals: No place for the 25 per cent rule of thumb
Nigel Borshell and Adrian Dawkes

Valuation of complex license contracts
Ralph Villiger and Boris Bogdan


R&D spending and sources of funding of private US biopharmaceutical firms seeking to go public
David R Williams and Richard W Pouder

Multiyear patterns regarding the relative availability of venture capital for the US biotechnology industry
J Leslie Glick

When should you fire the founder
William Bains

Intellectual Property

Dominating global intellectual property: Overview of patentability in the USA, Europe and Japan
Thomas J Kowalski, Antonio Maschio and Samuel H Megerditchian

Kinik: Raising the stakes for importing products derived from US patented processes practised abroad
Scott B Familant


Bioentrepreneurship in Japan: Institutional transformation and the growth of bioventures
Michael J Lynskey

Biotechnology in Cuba: 20 years of scientific, social and economic progress
Ernesto López Mola, Ricardo Silva, Boris Acevedo, José A Buxadó, Angel Aguilera and Luis Herrera

China 10-Point Patent Checklist: Integrating patents into an overall business strategy for a Western manufacturing entity in China
Catherine Sun, Sharon R Barner and Harold C Wegner

Commercial Case Study

Beacon Sciences: Commercialisation from biothreat detection to beauty enhancement
Rob Hanes, Damon Borich

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