The Inaugural Carnival of Biotechnology

Welcome to the inaugural Carnival of Biotechnology. This roundup of the best blogs on biotechnology brings together the best posts covering the industry.

This week’s carnival is hosted here at The next post will be at Biotechnology.

For more information about the Carnival of Biotechnology, see the Carnival’s homepage.

Without further ado, here’s this week’s entry:

Finance and business development

Ben McClure at at Investopedia has put together a sample case of Using DCF In Biotech Valuation. This excellent tutorial provides a clear example of how to apply this commonly used biotech valuation tool.


The Drugwonks aren’t bashful in their critique of price controls. In ‘Of Barn Doors and Horses‘ they bemoan the inefficient circle of impeding vaccine development through price controls, tort liabilities and other factors while providing government incentives to foster the development of vaccines.

In a trifecta of posts directed at reimportation, the Drugwonks explain that Counterfeit Drugs are a Global Problem, imported drugs shouldn’t be used Because They’re Illegal and Unsafe and ask Who’s Next, given the dramatic increase in counterfeit drugs seizures over the past decade.

See you next time at Biotechnology.

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